The Vegan Leather Guide


Have you ever wondered how vegan leather works?

Animal leather is without a doubt subject to ethical and environmental concerns. According to the United Nations, animal agriculture (which includes meat and leather harvesting) is responsible for 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions. This has led to a movement towards alternative leathers.

The good news is that leather innovation is on the up with some exciting new source materials, from cacti to wine (and some even using flower offerings from the River Ganges in India). As exciting as these sound, are they really ethical? What does it really take to turn a fruit into a material?

We’ve produced a 40 page Vegan Leather Guide that shares the new categories of alternative leather materials, diagrams of how these materials are made and which may stand the time of durability, featuring the labs and brands behind this new method of leather making.


The Vegan Leather Guide